Wednesday, July 3, 2013

DIY Wall hanging from foreign coins

I am a globe trotter! And as much as I love travelling, saving the leftover changed money has been my hobby too. So over the course of five years I happen to collect quite an amount of foreign coins which were begging me to be used in the making of an art piece. So, here is what I did to those little powerful things.
All u need is 

- A medium sized frame. I had mine 12"x16" ikea frame lying in the closet for quite a while.

- your collection of foreign coins 
- white glue 
- black chart paper
To begin with I pasted chart paper on the back support of the frame. 
Then I washed all my coins by soaking and then brushing them with dish washing liquid mixed in hot water and a tsp of white vinegar. 
Take a small brush I used my daughters old tooth brush and it came in really handy. 
Rinse and air try them by spreading the coins on to a tissue paper. They will look like new;) 

When completely dry try putting a dot on each coin on which ever side u don't want to show and start pasting like a pro! 
The glue will dry out transparent just in case u messed up a bit. 
Let it lye for a white till it dries and ... 


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